Welcome To The Eco Action Innovations Africa

The Eco Action Innovations Africa

The Eco Action Innovations Africa

This organization's aim is to fight climate change. The awarenesses campaigns that are mandated by The Eco Action Innovations Africa is to bring empowerment to communities. Providing the communities with knowledge and relevant information about climate change. These activities include; youth sensitization, workshops, demonstrations, tree planting, schools and community outreach, nature travels, education on gender based violence, sustainable agriculture and eco friendly entrepreneurship.


Awareness campaigns

Awareness campaigns

Awareness campaigns 

Community awareness

Community awareness

Tree planting in Cwero, Paicho subcounty, Gulu district 

Welcome to The Eco Action Innovations Africa

Welcome to The Eco Action Innovations Africa

This is The Eco Action Innovations Africa website created by Opio Joseph. The Eco Action Innovations Africa falls in NON_GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATION (NGO), line of business. You can visit us offline at our office located at : Bar Dege Division, Gulu, Northern, Uganda - Gulu City, Uganda You can contact us by phone - *********3706 or email us on j**********@g*****.com or use the C...


media video Tree planting in Gulu, Uganda

Tree planting in Gulu, Uganda

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